Tag Archives: Courtney Marie Andrews

Courtney Marie Andrews, Old Flowers. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

There is world of difference between old and new, the second, or even third hand car being driven, the hand me down clothes, the rebound love affair, the original thought against rewriting an old classic, all can still be loved, cared for, even given a new sense of purpose, but what of the natural order, the regifted bouquet, the blossoms turned down and then passed on to the next person that walks past; Old Flowers is normally the sign of an afterthought, of the post-script to a doomed relationship, and yet in the hands of Courtney Marie Andrews, Old Flowers becomes a reflection of understanding that comes with seeing the beauty of the past, and knowing that you have to whisper goodbye to each individual petal to regain your own self back.

Courtney Marie Andrews, May Your Kindness Remain. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

It is the most endearing of qualities, the act of permanent kindness, one that can be lauded but is often abused, taken advantage of, being seen as a gain for all except for the person to whom their heart is in the right place and the urge to be constantly thoughtful often betrays the way they are looked upon.

Courtney Marie Andrews, Honest Life. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

To live an Honest Life is one that surely is the advantageous of all, it might not win you plaudits and people might try their damndest to take advantage of you but an Honest Life is and will always be one of purity, heartbreak and outstanding cool. Like an angel who manages to find she is the most sincere in all of creation, the urge to sing and take the lyrical responsibility for ensuring everybody is content is understandable.