Tag Archives: Communion / Saviour Machine. Single Review.

Michael Schenker’s Temple Of Rock, Communion / Saviour Machine. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

The union that exists between self-respecting Rock lover, the perpetual admirer of all things loud and proud, is one built upon mutual trust and quality of performance. The master class offered by the gigantic gig, the album which sends out streams of pleasure and which can be felt shaking the street as the temperatures rise at the same rate as the volume switch, all these offer much compared to the single, the small dip into a vast ocean and one that feels the waves come baring down too quickly to move out of the way; it never feels like Rock when it is a single or double A Side and yet despite the arguments against it and perhaps only due to the presence of a maestro, does Communion and Saviour Machine come with reverence and esteem built in.