Tag Archives: Ciaran Algar

The Journey Continues: Fellside At 40, Various Artists. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

The music business may be seen to be dying but that does not mean that music is an art form that is on its knees, taking everything into account, it is arguably in a rude state of health and never it seems has Folk been so popular away from its original inspiring inception.

One such label who has had a more than a hand in the continued growth of artists is Fellside and at 40 years old, the lover of such fine music can but wish a happy birthday, blow out the candles of sincere gratitude and revel in some of the finest music made over the last 10 years since the label released the triple compilation album Landmarks.

Ciaran Algar, The Final Waltz. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

It is the dance of the close comfort and the tap of the Progressive that makes the waltz such a beautiful moment to watch, the timing of the movement, the subjection to the lead of one mind being performed in a close knit space; it speaks volumes about the participants, the will and the endeavour in which to see the dance fulfilled.

The Final Waltz though is something else entirely, especially when it is your debut on the floor and in particular when your regular partner is urging you on to search for your own steps in which to whisk the heart away of someone who has found you deliberately enticing.