Tag Archives: Captain Of The Lost Waves

Captain Of The Lost Waves, Hidden Gems Chapter 3 – Mysterium Tremendum. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

The art of the Progressive mind is one that is steeped in revolution whilst not willing to trade personal creativity for the temptation of fame, fortune, or compromising with the Devil who calls the tune it doesn’t stop them from expanding the nature of their art, from being willing souls wanting to embark on a new adventure.

Captain Of The Lost Waves, Synthesis-The Story So Far. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

The way we consume music now is unarguably different to 20 years ago, even during the golden years of the singles charts being taken seriously as a measure of how the nation reacted to the aural stimulation provided by the imagination and creativity of its heroes and the unknown warriors fighting for a moment in the sun, what we now find is that the single is perhaps lost in the maelstrom of continual listening, it is the instant hit on the senses and without the same sensation on the fan’s anticipation as it once was.

Captain Of The Lost Waves, Hidden Gems-Chapter 2: Circus Of Morality. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

The hedonistic aroma of flamboyance and the fragrance of honest sawdust fills the surrounding air as you sit and reflect upon the grand treasure chest that has been opened with an enjoyable sweep of the arm and a gesture that pronounces with fervour that the parade continues, that in this second chapter of Hidden Gems, the Circus of Morality is one that truly lives up to its predecessor and deserves the big top moment to which it has been created for.