Tag Archives: Big Finish

Jago & Litefoot: Chronoclasm. Series Three, Audio Drama Review. Big Finish.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Christopher Benjamin, Trevor Baxter, Louise Jameson, Conrad Asquith, Lisa Bowerman, Philip Bretherton, Duncan Wisbey, Joanna Munro, Wendy Padbury.

Some crimes, especially the ones involving the laws of time are either caused by a megalomaniac hell bent on destruction of a certain race of people or species or due to greed, the powerful and sickening so called aphrodisiac that prays on the weak and gluttonous. Sometimes these two overlap and then the devastation is even harder to bear. Occasionally though the reason is a lot more pure and it is just the way it was devised and carried out that makes the plan hard to stomach. Such is Elliot Payne’s reason to change time, to end his own misery and loss. It doesn’t make it right but it is a lot more understandable that selling out and destroying an entire species for a pot of gold.

Jago & Litefoot: Swan Song. Series Three, Audio Drama Review. Big Finish.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Ration 9/10

Cast: Christopher Benjamin, Trevor Baxter, Louise Jameson, Conrad Asquith, Lisa Bowerman, Abigail Hollick, Hywel Morgan, Andrew Westfield, Philip Bretherton.

The power of a performance, the emotional resonance that bleeds across the stage from the actor to the audience and out in the open world as word of mouth and newspaper columns declare the genius of the words spoken, not only get stuck in the minds of those that see it, they also bleed through the walls of the theatre as if being used as a storage device; feeding and growing until it can take no more. Such is the theory that a building can hold the echoes of the past; it is the premise that sees Jago and Litefoot’s latest adventure in series three take on the voices and images of a story that could be their Swan Song.

Jago & Litefoot, Dead Men’s Tales. Series Three. Audio Drama Review. Big Finish.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Christopher Benjamin, Trevor Baxter, Louise Jamieson, Conrad Asquith, Lisa Bowerman, Warren Brown, Andrew Westfield, Alex Mallinson.

Series Three of Jago and Litefoot, the popular spin-off from Doctor Who and made by Big Finish, greets with open arms an old friend to the Victorian world of amateur detective detection as Leela, the fourth Doctor’s incarnation’s noble savage, appears to warn her old friends that the fate of the world hangs in the balance.

Jago And Litefoot, The Similarity Engine. Series One, Big Finish. Audio Play Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Christopher Benjamin, Trevor Baxter, Lisa Bowerman, Conrad Asquith, Toby Longworth, Matt Steer, Alex Lowe, John Banks, Alex Mallinson.

The final episode of Jago & Litefoot’s adventures, at least for as season one goes, sees the common thread of the machinations of Doctor Tulp finally revealed and for Gordon Henry Jago and Professor Litefoot it is a case that brings danger to the front door of the two friends and amateur detectives.

Jago And Litefoot, The Spirit Trap. Series One, Big Finish. Audio Play.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Christopher Benjamin, Trevor Baxter, Lisa Bowerman, Janet Henfrey, Lex Shrapnel, John Ainsworth.

The third instalment of Jago and Litefoot’s adventures in the dark world that shrouds the Victorian era takes a spiritual turn in the Jonathan Morris’ The Spirit Trap.

This penultimate story of Series One sees a slightly reduced cast from the previous two episodes tackle the Victorian world of spiritualism that has been captured in everything from romance, crime, even Victorian Lesbian drama and whilst not hitting the heights of the opening couple of tales in which Gordon Henry Jago and Professor George Litefoot have become institutions to the world of Doctor Who, is an interesting take on the field and one that is enjoyable and worth being involved in the initial series.

Sherlock Holmes: Holmes And The Ripper. Audio Drama, Big Finish.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Nicholas Briggs, Richard Earl, India Fisher, Sheryl Gannaway, Lex Shrapnel, Samuel Clemens, Matt Addis, Ian Brooker, Beth Chalmers, David Peart, John Banks,

The now familiar sound of a mournful violin playing draws in the listener to the story Holmes and The Ripper, what keeps them there is the unvarnished excellence that audio drama company Big Finish and writer Brian Clemens bring to one of the darkest periods of East End London and how they imagine Sherlock Holmes, portrayed by one of the main men at Big Finish in Nicholas Briggs, would have been coaxed into solving the murder.

Sherlock Holmes: The Death And Life. Audio Drama Review. Big Finish.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Roger Llewellyn.

James Moriarty has long been the associated with being the ultimate nemesis of Sherlock Holmes, two sides of a coin, the yin and yang, one a force for peace, the other, the dark blackened contamination that spread its evil and chaos throughout London. Moriarty never showed his full hand until the two men fought at Reichenbach Falls and for a while the avid readers of the great detective’s work and the money men of the Strand magazine felt the shortfall in quality and income.

UNIT Dominion, Audio Drama Review. Big Finish.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Sylvester McCoy, Beth Chalmers, Tracey Childs, Alex McQueen, Julian Dutton, Bradley Gardner, Miranda Keeling, Ben Porter, Sam Clemens, Alex Mallinson, Sophie Aldred, Martin Johnson.

The Doctor in all his incarnations can never be truly trusted…especially when the Doctor is not all he seems to be.

Sherlock Holmes: The Last Act. Audio Drama Review. Big Finish.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Roger Llewellyn.

Sherlock Holmes has long since retired and his greatest friend Dr. John Watson has died, quietly and without fuss, the way he always would. Thus begins the last tale of Victorian England’s finest detective, however, as with all great last tales, the memories and the vestige of a story that has captivated millions since Arthur Conan Doyle, is always worth re-telling from the person’s own perspective. So the history of Sherlock Holmes is captured by writer David Stuart Davies and the towering, looming presence of Roger Llewellyn.

Doctor Who, The Seeds Of War. Audio Drama Review, Big Finish, 171.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * *

Cast: Colin Baker, Bonnie Langford, Ray Fearon, Ony Uhiara, Stuart Organ, Lucy Russell, John Banks, Beth Chalmers, Barnaby Edwards, David Sibley.

In the best traditions of Doctor Who there is a new terrifying enemy for the fans to get to grips with but as with timey-wimey approach to the Doctor’s life, this isn’t the first time he has met The Eminence or his Infinite Warriors as he battles against them in The Seeds of War.