Tag Archives: Believe. Album Review

Albert Cummings, Believe. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

You either have rhythm, or you embrace the emotional creativity to be found in others as they unburden the tempo that resides in the heartbeat and the reflex of their soul. Rhythm is the pulse that satisfies when all else stagnates, when all becomes dust and dull routine and it invariably leads one to Believe in magic, in soul, and in the remarkable to whom nothing it seems is beyond creating.

Rebecca Downes, Believe. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Belief is everything; it is the cornerstone of personal freedom and being able to achieve all that you set out to do. Without belief, there is no confidence and for Rebecca Downes, confidence and belief appear to go hand in hand, especially as the woman from Wolverhampton releases the hugely impressive follow up to her debut album Back To The Start, the scintillating Believe.