Tag Archives: Awaken. Album Review.

The Schmoozenbergs, Awaken. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Carefree times during an era of repression and conflict are to be savoured. It would of course better for all concerned if moments in history had not been under the jackboot of tyranny and the rule of fear, however out of such times comes a rebellion, the people fight back the only way they can, with a mood of enjoyment, of bliss and the ability to dance under the spotlight and raise a smile which infuriates those with no humour or soul in their body.

Albert Castiglia, Masterpiece. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

You can be forgiven for thinking that the future means insulting the past, it is a way of habit across the board in today’s society, perhaps one that has found the throw away culture a little too meaningful, one that perhaps sees previous moments of exceptionalism as nothing more than a jaded reminder of all that is wrong, all that is stereotypical.