Tag Archives: Anthony Mackin

The Wedding Singer, Theatre Review. St Helens Theatre Royal.

The cast of The Wedding Singer. Photograph by Ian D. Hall.

Originally published by L.S. Media. September 22nd 2012.

L. S. Media Rating ***

Cast: Michael John Griesen, Cameron Jones, Anthony Mackin, Katie Speakman, Jennie Scully, Gary Lamb, Jean Aspinall, Diane Glover, Ann Connolly, James Kirby.

It is always a challenge transferring any successful film to the stage, adapting it, playing with idea but never straying very far from what it was that made it that sensation in the first place. The Wedding Singer is no different to say Legally Blonde or Spamalot in that respect and for the Pilkington Musical Theatre, The Wedding Singer was a joy to perform and to watch.