Tag Archives: Angelina Chudi

A Christmas Carol: A Ghost Story. Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Mark Gatiss, Nicholas Farrell, James Backway, Angelina Chudi, Joni Ayton-Kent, Zak Ford-Williams, Aoife Gaston, Edward Harrison, Sarah Ridgeway, Joe Shire, Christopher Godwin.

We must put the time of year into perspective, we must understand the reasons, or even accept that there are none in which seem logical, that Christmas as a holiday has become one of division and brimming with its own sense of dogma.

Henry VI. Royal Shakespeare Theatre. Stratford-Upon-Avon. Theatre Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Mark Quartley, Minnie Gale, Arthur Hughes, Oliver Alvin-Wilson, Ashley D Gale, Ben Hall, Nicholas Karimi, Conor Glean, Daniel J Carver, Richard Cant, Lucy Benjamin, Aaron Sidwell, Paola Dionisotti, Sophia Papadopoulos, Peter Moreton, Yasmin Taheri, Emma Tracey, Daniel Ward, Benjamin Westerby, John Tate, Angelina Chudi, Felixe Forde, Jack Humphrey, Al Maxwell, Georgia-Mae Myers, Ibraheem Toure.