Tag Archives: Alex Macqueen

Doctor Who: Dark Eyes 4. Audio Drama Review, Big Finish.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Paul McGann, Nicola Walker, Barnaby Kay, Beth Chalmers, Charlie Norfolk, Derek Hutchinson, Dan Starkey, Camilla Power, John Dorney, Rachael Stirling, Alex Wyndham, Blake Ritson, Nicholas Briggs, Alex MacQueen, Sorcha Cusack, Susannah Harker, David Sibley.

Arguably one of the most involved, most deliberately, and it has to be said wonderfully elaborately written endeavours undertaken by Big Finish finally comes to an end as the saga of Dark Eyes sees the Eighth incarnation battle not only the Eminence, The Master and the Daleks but also Time itself. It is a battle that sees the foreshadowing of what is to come, of the ache that will grip the Doctor as the Time War sets out to destroy all and in which the very soul of the Time Lord is challenged.

Doctor Who: Dark Eyes 3. Audio Drama Review. Big Finish.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Paul McGann, Alex MacQueen, Ruth Bradley, Nicola Walker, Sean Carlsen, David Sibley, Georgie Fuller, Geoffrey Breton, Natalie Burt, Sacha Dhawan, Sarah Mowat, Laura Riseborough, John Banks, Jonathan Forbes, Beth Chalmers, Georgia Moffett.


The Doctor and The Master, a tale of perpetual war and distrust between two titans of Gallifrey and all those caught between them. Whether it is Jo Grant, The Cybermen, Tegan Jovanka’s aunt, the citizens of Logopolis or even Adric, nobody and no one benefits in this private war and certainly not the woman who has become the latest buffer between the former friends, Molly O’ Sullivan.

The Inbetweeners 2, Film Review. Picturehouse@F.A.C.T., Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 7/10

Cast: Simon Bird, James Buckley, Joe Thomas, Blake Harrison, Tamla Kari, Belinda Stewart-Wilson, Freddie Stroma, Emily Berrington, Celeste Cotton, David Schaal, Adrian Palmer, Dominique Maber, Larissa Jones, Cameron Caulfield, George Hewer, James Kearney, Kai Pantano, Alex MacQueen, Martin Trenaman, Robin Weaver, Greg Davies.

It is impossible to ignore something forever and when you find yourself laughing at some of the absolute filfth that runs through the latest big screen adventure for the four lads who make up The Inbetweeners, you either have to check that you didn’t leave a vital part of your brain in a field surrounded by cattle licking it and getting a human high from it or ,making a mental check list to watch some of the episodes again to make sure that you just weren’t being an idiot for not enjoying it in the first place.

Doctor Who: Dark Eyes 2. Audio Drama Review, Big Finish.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Paul McGann, Nicola Walker, Ruth Bradley, Alex Macqueen, Chris Porter, David Dobson, John Dorney, Nicholas Briggs, Brian Shelley, Ian Brooker, Adrian Mackinder, Andrew Knott, Joseph Radcliffe, David Silby, Jo Castleton, Ian Hallard, Jacqueline King, Natalie Burt, David Shaw-Parker, Frank Skinner.