Firewind: Stand United. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Whilst many naturally gravitate to the Scandinavian and northern European countries for their metal fix and slice of branded enthralment, the fact that Greece continues to supply such a discerning supply of groups and minds that tear into the genre with genuine care, responsibility and freedom, is testament to united front the players and bands present when counter performing their northern brethren.

It is to the sense of drama and fierce drive that Firewind return to the shores of the metal fan with a burgeoning and wonderful untamed new album that will have the listener baying in agreement and fervent response and Stand United alongside the music as it fights with intent to undo the pressures of languid despondency that has settled on the continent and give a rebuke to the constant in fighting that has given us more pause than we can actually cope with.

The release of pressure that Firewind provide in Stand United is one of fervid and vivid occupation, they have, under the guiding presence of founder Gus G, replaced the idea set by others of just doing enough with a grin to screaming at the void and watching it shrink with fear at the razor like delivery that cuts deep into the soul of listener, and which the void runs like Hell from.

Over 25 years have passed since Gus G released the self-made expression that was his calling card demo that was Nocturnal Symphony, and time has once proved to be on the side of those that are willing to shake down oppression in all its forms, it might not be always catch the ear, but at least Firewind have the guts to deliver the antidote to life’s beige acceptance.

Across tracks such as the killing openers of Salvation Day, the album title track of Stand United, and Destiny Is Calling, and stunners such as Fallen Angel, Talking In Your Sleep, and The Power Lies Within, Gus G, Herbie Langhans, Petros Christos, and Jo Nunez occupy the richness of form and the exuberance of ambition that has kept the band a pivotal, physical, and alluring proposition in southern European Metal, and arguably a desired rival to many of their northern Europe compatriots.

Firewind’s Stand United is released on March 1st via AFM Records.

Ian D. Hall