Leaves’ Eyes: Myths Of Fate. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

The enduring mythologies of life are such that we sorely forget their traditional ways of capturing an audience at our peril; for there is more to be found within our realms than many give credit too, or even acknowledge. For the hearts that dare suggest nothing can come of legend, have not had their soul inflamed by the sound of the saga ringing in their ears and digging deep into their own D.N.A., for in the epic there is an abundance of life, and it springs eternally from the fountain of the symphonically powerful.

The Last Viking may have set sail into the past, but the Myths Of Fate that Leaves’ Eyes have weaved with industry and fascination continue unabated and without apology; for why else would one of the premier groups of the genre exist but to bring the message of the sagas to the anointed and the fearlessly undaunted, and it is a message that finds itself once sang with great authority, and played with distinction by the European metal band.

It may have been four years since Leaves’ Eyes last foray into the symphonic zone, but that does not mean the ideas have been languishing or placed upon the backburner of expectancy, indeed Myths Of Fate soars and cuts through the air like a sword being swung by a giant and who can pierce doubt as much as they destroy apparent destiny. An act of absolute conviction.

Once more the combination of Elina Siirala and Alexander Krull is magically expressive and defining, and with Luc Gebhardt joining the ranks alongside the indisputable talent of Joris Nijenhuis and Micki Richter, what fate has in store for the listener is not a myth, but certainty, a conviction of continuance and confidence in the stories weaved and the sagas explored.

A tremendously vibrant recording, skilfully managed, delivered with conviction and style; you would not expect anything less.

Leaves’ Eyes release Myths Of Fate on March 22nd via AFM Records. Ian D. Hall