It’s Karma It’s Cool, Homesick For Our Future Destinations. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

The places we haven’t been to are no more strangers to us than the streets, the stomping grounds, we have played on all our lives, the only difference is the actual sense of physical presence to found compared to the projected images we see when we look to what may be imminent, what may be forthcoming.

If melancholy is the poet’s and the artist’s way of interpreting nostalgia, then the idea that we can spend time in our minds and see every detail, imagine every deep inhale of excited breath and feel the tactile nature of the ground beneath our feet of the places we have yet to see, then what arises is the glory of expectation, a reverse, but still enticing, content Homesick For Our Future Destinations.

It is in the possible lives and homes ahead that we see how our future’s pan out, and if there is any justice in this world for the sense of graft and timely exploration of sound and lyric, then It’s Karma It’s Cool, one of the greatest bands it is yet your pleasure to listen to, will see their latest, and overloading with substance and material, album propel them to the next stop, the next target.

As James Styring, Martyn Bewick, Mikey Barraclough, and Danny Krash plough with elegance and the power pop explosion through tracks such as All Branches Break With Time, Absent Transient, Playing Brave, the excellent She Slept With The Radio On, the abundant sincerity contained within the lead single Coffee Cup Circles, the progressive Guest On A TV Talk Show and the book ends of Homesick and Future Destinations, what comes across is the sheer dedication shown to producing an album steeped in glorious attitude, and unveiling a treasure that soothes the ache of homesickness, and revels in the groove of the unknown condition to come.

Why do we look to the future with anticipation? Maybe because It’s Karma It’s Cool to do so, and for this revved up band, the position they have immersed themselves into is a reflection of the joy they bring to the senses of the listener, and which is proved beyond doubt in Homesick For Our Future Destinations.

It’s Karma It’s Cool will release Homesick For Our Future Destinations on November 5th via Kool Kat Musik. 

Ian D. Hall