Justin Bernasconi, Sleeping Like A Maniac. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Our worst regrets in life are those that are captured by the glow of harshness that shines directly into our eyes, shone as if by a raging beacon by those that love us, that care for our hearts and minds. It is those regrets, those moments when our actions cause pain, hurt and misery to those we have held closely in our lives, that cause the most distress and can leave us Sleeping Like A Maniac.

It takes courage to see where you have gone wrong and do everything you can to rectify your actions, to apologise, to remove the red flags that you temporarily insisted should be there for all to see, and instead change your behaviour so the green flags of positive affirmation are there to be remarked upon, enjoyed by all who come your way.

Whether it is the behaviour of a country or a person, the sincerity of the apology is judged by future learned actions, and in the last five years especially, and as alluded to by the Melbourne based Justin Bernasconi, Britain has found itself on the wrong side of history, and the musician himself has had to come to terms with his own learned behaviours and the effects it had on other facets of his life; so much so that the artist is an example to the country, and across tracks such as Lady In The Field, Flags Stacked Upon This Hill, Golden Leaves, I’m Still Here and Trigger Me, the maniac alluded to in the title of the album, is afforded the sleep of the peaceful, the forgiven, the just.

Of course the maniac is also the enthusiast, and there is a lot to enthused over in this new recording, not only the sense of self that weaves its way through the outpouring of national and personal introspection, but in the love that is revealed, the fears of neglect and anger; to be an artist requires a certain kind of zealotry to the subject, and if the feeling of apologetic sincerity and removal of human madness is the key aspect, then Justin Bernasconi has not only shown the way to evolve, but continues to live it and give others hope in their own latent, hidden posture.

Justin Bernasconi releases Sleeping Like A Maniac on September 24th via Mountain King Music.

Ian D. Hall