Kim Edgar, Held. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

To be Held, is to understand closeness, it is to feel connected, to hear of others find ways of communicating such expression without the use of physical touch is to recognise that the world over, we need contact more than we yearn solitude.

Kim Edgar’s latest release exemplifies that sentiment of persuasive truth with a kindness of touch that is embedded throughout the songs of Held. Such insightfulness which captures the meaning whilst extolling both vocal and musicianship is to be admired, to have the conversation of communication being played out in the open, rather than being buried in the hushed tones of silence.

The beauty of Held is that it takes great care, not only with the tracks, but with the position of the its musicianship, and with musical experience coming in the form of Kevin McGuire on piano, synth and electric guitar, Mattie Foulds on drums, Mikey Owers drums, Su-a-Lee on cello, Fergus Kerr on French horn and Karine Polwart, Rachel Sermanni and Ava Edgar, Joe McIntyre and Orla Edgar on vocals, the combination of the artists as a group, as a sincerely placed assembly that captures the expressions of contact with passionate ease.

It is that example of being Held to which the listener will take tracks such as Witness, Waiting For A Sign, Shelf, 1,2,3,4,5, Some Things Happen, Perpetual Light, and the opening song of Lower as being directions, guides on how to be closer to humanity rather than standing aloof, standing alone, afraid, concerned, instead as the music gets underneath the psyche of the listener, the need to be held comes through, and in times in which the album has been recorded and released in, that sense of togetherness is not just important, it is vital.

For the fan and even the odd acquaintance of Kim Edgar’s music, Held is an album of inclusivity, of resolute and entwinned music coming to the fore in harmony; and it is to that agreement of unity which gives the album its sheer strength of will.

Kim Edgar releases Held on December 11th.

Ian D. Hall