KingFast, Never Felt This Way Before. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Paul Walker just seems to instinctively understand how love, honour and the sense of the unrequited fit neatly into everyday life, but like the spirit that continues to break and lift hearts with a resonating touch of humanity that resides in Lionel Richie, so too does Paul Walker find the common touch that is so elusive as with matters of the heart, the compassion which is not sneered at, the beauty in the refined, delicate voice which both soothes and woos with equal discerning measure.

We can all hopefully think back to a time when one person changed our thinking, that first brush with a way of thinking that we may not have considered before, someone who, quite by accident makes us declare with feeling, with uncertainty, that we have Never Felt This Way Before. It is a declaration to which Paul Walker, in his guise of KingFast, is quite content to state, and one that we must remember to how that feeling, that sense of emotion, captivated us and made us feel as if we could take on the world, but also made us vulnerable, could expose our own fragility for others to exploit.

Exposing one’s heart is not a weakness, despite what others insist, it is arguably one of the bravest issues to tackle in life, and to tell someone that they have captured your mind, your soul, and hopefully your heart in such a way, that is an act of contrition to which there is no shame, only beauty. It is from start to finish on this particular song, a sense of beauty that must not be dismissed, that should be encouraged to come out into the open.

KingFast has once again delved into that sense of dignity he espouses whenever you have the honour of being in his company or have the pleasure of hearing one of intricately developed songs, something we can all say we have felt before and the sincerity of his music is something we have to keep hold of tightly.

Ian D. Hall