Oisin Hassan, Anyone’s Hero. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Anyone can do the right thing and be applauded for it in a world dominated by social media, but it takes a hero to make the moral choice of doing the right thing without the expectation of having been noticed.

We all perhaps want to be a hero in somebody’s eyes, and for the most part we arguably are, they just don’t need to tell us, they keep those feelings inside where the possibility of regret won’t be as naked or as damaging as and when we fall from grace in their thoughts. To be Anyone’s Hero is one of consuming persuasion, the song must be constant, fruitful, unyielding to the outside pressures of life and its demands; it is a demand that Oisin Hassan takes incredibly seriously, and in his latest single, Anyone’s Hero, the beauty of the stripped back acoustic guitar is overwhelmingly captured and relished in.

To embrace beauty in all its forms of delivery, style and presentation takes a strong soul, and in a world which feasts upon the agony caused by the destructive minds who believe they know better, who shout loudly and proclaim they tell it like it is, (a regard for the rude and bombastic to truly acknowledge only their toxic trait), to be one who sees a progression of chords as one of uncaged fertile ground deserves the accolade of hero worship.

Oisin Hassan might shy away from that sense of obligation, but it is one that fits him perfectly, and as the gentleness of the notes and the power of the statement fill the void, a hero stands undoubtedly tall.

A superbly played song, one that fills the heart to the brim, delivered in the only way that Mr. Hassan knows, with kindness and persuasion.

Ian D. Hall