Lexie Green, Black River. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

A long continuous note, the stirring of an introduction that is measured in the profound as well as the meaning in which depth has a vested interest, this is the moment in which the astonishing mind of Lexie Green is reintegrated into the lives of the music lover and one which the anticipation for the eloquence of her thought is greeted with discerning fondness.

Lexie Green’s new single Black River, which is due out just before Christmas, is one in which the spine tingles with both excitement and with intense feelings of remorse, of the sadness that overflows in that scintillating opening segment which turns, as all rivers must, to the expanse of expectation, the deep undercurrent being navigated by a sturdy hand on the tiller.

It is in Lexie Green’s heartfelt appreciation of the Americana that Black River springs from, and adding serenity and tumult to her vocals, Sam Carter, Steve Wilson, John Wright and Rich Young give the feeling of steering the storm through the route of the stars above; rich in gravity, without ever once leaving the listener as if they were caught floundering within the shallow end, unprotected from the tempest that will inevitably come their way.

The dichotomy of time is not lost upon the listener, ending the year with what could be considered a teaser for the future, but what should be lauded as a single of integrity, not playing with the emotions of those with one eye on the future, but instead sailing the waters of the here and now and producing art that is both shadow and light, glorious Americana at its best.

Lexie Green releases the single Black River on December 20th 2019.

Ian D. Hall