Piston. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

If the landscape and vision before you isn’t thrilling enough and making your heart beat faster, then move on, there is no law that states you have to be the same person that you were 12 months ago, there is no commandment that dictates you have to lead with your initial thought; indeed it is with an act of maturity and responsibility that your first read through ends up being the canvas for a piece of art of greater significance.

Many bands have found during the recording process that what they could see in their minds was not what was being broadcast, the energy between ideological development and wisdom induced panache only coming across in waves, not the full picture. To experience and understand the effect is know that the vehicle you are driving deserves more than a good driver, it requires an engine that is finely tuned and which the Piston is exemplary.

The eponymous debut album release by the Midland’s rock band may be one that comes on the back of taking a long hard look at what they had put together before but it is also one that holds close the search for the defining introduction. There is no remake when it comes to the first word of presentation, and Piston’s Rob Angelico, Jack Edwards, Luke Allatt, Stuart Egan and Brad Newlands appreciate this fact, that the relationship between band and audience is built upon the initial words of established trust.

It is a trust that is impeccable, balanced and sincere, an applause for having the intuition of embracing establishing a new foundation when so many others would have taken the easy option and created a stir with music they weren’t happy with.

Across songs such as Rainmaker, Dynamite, Carry Us Home, Beyond Repair and the simmering anger that betrays your inner voice when you are exposed to your own guilty feelings in Leave If You Dare, the immensity of creating a new vibe immediately after letting a first love go is one that Piston capture with their own gracious demand and strength of character. It is a character that makes this debut album stand out forcibly and with the knowledge they have initiated a contact with a future audience of huge proportions. Seismic!

Piston will be supporting Collateral in Liverpool on Saturday 14th September at EBGBS.

Piston release their eponymous debut album on Friday 13th September.

Ian D. Hall