Dan Walsh, Trio. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

A solitary person can still wield influence if their message is pure and will resound with those who seek information from outside the echo bubble that contains the multitude as they sip from the same continuous well of obligated agreement.

A lone figure will always be noticed in a way that a cast of thousands cannot, only becoming a random sea of faces and quickly dismissed from the mind. The story is more direct, and yet add into the equation what mysteries a Trio can attest to, what genius can lay in that power of three, unbreakable, linked by mutual stimulus. A Trio is one that captures the imagination and sees the world for what it is, a place where the charismatic can prosper, especially if their message is one of intense collaboration.

For Dan Walsh the power of three is unmistakable, it is strength bonded together, fashioned like steel links, forged in a melting point of honesty, and then hardened, shaped in a timeless harmony that influences the listener to investigate further, to understand why Dan Walsh, Ciaran Algar and Nic Zuppardi successfully meld together across such songs as Life On The Ground, 80 Years of Pleasant Half Hours, Same Time Different Place, Dizzy Heights, When I’m Back Around and Sleep With One Eye Open.

It comes down to not being inhibited by one’s influences and being open to challenge them, to add a certain depth that others will bring to the table and seeing that in the end what matters most is a collaboration of ideas, that same denial in which a thousand people seem lost on screen when compared to a single face directly looking into the camera is itself replaced. It is a realisation that an island cannot survive an onslaught alone, but an alliance, a co-operation is the moment when all can come out of any situation with head held high and with sweet music serenading the world.

The tunes on the album are presented with precision, a dynamic that is both beautiful and fulfilling, a triumvirate that extends the passion in Dan Walsh ten-fold, Trio is quite extraordinary!

Dan Walsh’s Trio is out now.

Ian D. Hall