Matt Breen, All The Time. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

For all the intrusiveness and demands that the internet makes on our time, it has one great, thankfully creative good in which it cannot be faulted; the knowledge that a musician that you have seen grow and loved, and despite distance, can still make an appearance on your computer device of truth and thrill you with their latest creation.

News from across the distance of thousands of miles was always a chore, it perhaps led to the fading of memory over time and All The Time, it is in our nature after all to forget the pleasure given and the song inspired, we cannot move on, we cannot find a sense of knowledge without it. Yet we retain the love in our hearts, deep in our minds, and whilst a musician from home may be on the other side of the world, plying their trade, learning, grafting and beavering away, still we love them All The Time.

One of Liverpool’s sons has been away from the city for such a long time, arguably far too long but he has made his mark in Australia, he has earned his place as a true Rock troubadour, a friend to the country and a reminder of what was the point of travelling art, of sharing other with other cultures and absorbing something new, something passionate in their own performance.

For Matt Breen his song All The Time signals a quiet revolution, a small change in approach, and it may have been one that he didn’t really know he was going to explore, but it is one that lifts the heart of his fans and puts him into a different way of thinking, of capturing a side of music that was never in his genes until he travelled, until the moment of inspiration struck.

The song is not only catchy, it has the dichotomy of upbeat melancholy sewn throughout its core, the pleasure of the smile at dusk, and the companion of strength and true bliss at dawn; a different way of showing the face you wish to portray, a side of expression that makes an audience understand what they have missed, a chance of fun under a sky that they may never see.

Travel broadens the mind, staying somewhere that is not your home for the absolute limit and test of your self-endurance, makes the heart and soul test itself with the fascination of the new; it is in this new, this innovative test, that Matt Breen once again proves he is here All The Time.

Ian D. Hall