World War, Stupid.


Briefly, several suns light up the horizon

and burn the world, this fragile land

torn by hands, ripped apart

on the consensus of one

behind the black door, no prize,

and as enough money is spent destroying

our souls that would feed

and give shelter to the homeless,

to the child in our schools, food to eat,

nurses the reason to feel valued,

but oh no, not now, not in our name,

we want you to hate today, this phantom trick,

to make you scared, and then the accusations

start, insidious, you are a traitor,

not one of us if you don’t support our choices,

so be it, I am the traitor you never should

have pushed me to be, I refuse to hate,

I condemn, again, your reasons

to wage war on the defenceless,

and the population

of your own country,

numb, so numb, bitter

often in their own prejudice

supplied by you, enforced by you, goaded by you,

fan the flames, watch it all burn,

I tell you now, I pass judgement upon you

and I warn you, this is not the conflict

you should seek,

this is World War, stupid

and you are the true enemy.


Ian D. Hall 2018