Danny Bryant, Revelation. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

The toughest of all challenges comes when we lose those to whom our faith and love is all we require to live, when the right words of patience and honesty are missing because the heartbeat that guided us has become still, a quiet and motionless drumbeat that has come to a halt. In that challenge we dig deep, we find a way to perhaps resurrect or frame a memory from out of this air, we dig deep, we bind ourselves to the recollections of what their advice to us truly meant and by doing so we find the Revelation of spirit inside of us, the spirit that makes us overcome.

We never know how we will react to such a loss, but to the challenge we should rise, the shadow must be seen as just a prelude to the sun and the song, that should be used as the memory saved, in the same vein as other past civilisations did before us, the melody and the tune to the ancestors is our respect for all they did for us.

For Danny Bryant, Revelation is sacred, it is profound, revealing, it holds onto the passion of truth and in every quarter given it is an album which has deep meaning and a core belief, that we should, and must, say and declare our feelings when there is time to do so, when the exposure to the heart is to be greeted as a beautiful moment.

It is in this exposure that Mr. Bryant seeks, and unearths a selection of songs that gratify instantly, that in a world where everybody has donned mask after mask to hide their feelings, to see in his soul and hear his words, is a privilege. In tracks such as Isolate, Someday The Rains Will Fall, Shouting At The Moon, May I Have a Talk With You and the album’s title track, Revelation, Danny Bryant brings the Blues along for the ride but it is a set of songs that celebrate life rather than feed the doldrums; melancholy cool, the full eye-opener in understanding that the song must continue.

A wonderfully presented album, a memory that is being shared is never one to ignore and Revelation is a set of songs impossible to overlook for the sincerity and genuine affection they hold for moment’s past.

Danny Bryant releases Revelation on April 20th via Jazzhaus Records.

Danny Bryant will be performing at The Citadel in St. Helens on Saturday 12th May.

Ian D. Hall