The DGB, More Is More. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

All good fortune seems to stem from being in the right place and at the right time; everything could be argued as co-incidental and cruising the miracle mile in search of a side order of inspiration.

For The DGB, The Danny Giles Band, inspiration is to be found as if it grows on trees and is easily plucked from the dew soaked grass; not that it is an uncomplicated or trouble-free process but it certainly is one the three musicians rise to when they feel the anger rising and the cries of more arising in certain quarters. More Is More, more is the cry that comes from the management avalanche, do something well and the powers that be demand more productivity for the same price, they expect it as a right and then wonder why some elements of the initial magic become lost, frightened to poke its head out of the door and simply crash and burn.

Not whilst The DGB stand their ground, whilst they stand resolute and uncomplicated, the music ravaging and timed to perfection, the call of More Is More only applies to the band’s industry and skill, each song a perfect antidote to the greed and corruption and one that takes on the timber wolves in suits baying for an even bigger slice of the ever diminishing pie.

Danny Giles, Pat Garvey and John Chase bring songs such as Been There Twice, the phenomenally superb Smokin’ From The Pipe, Love Is The Law and Wait For Me Mama out into the open, place them on ready alert and then like primed soldiers defending villagers from the terrors of war, go out and take on the marauding charlatans who dare defy natural grove and beat them to a devastating pulp.

A fantastically delivered album full of songs that really puncture the realms of modern absurdity and the wreckage of human existence and to which the antidote is calm, clean and playful, an album full of tracks that are not afraid to take on and take down those to whom humanity means nothing except what can be prised out of their marrow. With The DGB by your side, you have a champion who will tell you More Is More, more fun, more groove and more musically cool.

Ian D. Hall