Speke Town Showdown.


Pick your corner, I’m ready for a fight

I’ve got a gun, you’ve got a knife

I’m going to shoot you down at high noon

In a Western Avenue gunfighters duel

Going to joyride with the Crump St. gang

Play cops and robbers with the blue lights on

Tear around on two wheels ,get high on skunk weed

Rob Peter to pay Paul he’s a Drug lord Creed


Speke town showndown smashing glass on the street

Smigger psycho behaviour in violence we deal

Twin guns, repeated automatic fire

Swearing, swerving, screeching from the stolen car tyres

Vandalising bus stops ,and setting fire to cars

Shell-suited psychopaths drunk on glue stick bars.


Bragging rights to his cell mates about crimes done

Still running a drug empire behind prison walls

Getting back with his Ex wife on Jeremy Kyle

D.N.A. test proves the kids not his! He smugly says with smile.


Guess I’ll mozey on down to the chicken licking bar

Start another fight because I’m harder than you are

In a Mexican stand-off, don’t catch my stare

knock you in to next week , because I don’t care

in a Speke town Showdown!

John L Hall