

I never used to get like this.

I could happily go for weeks

and months on just

a couple of hours sleep a day,

especially if it kept the nightmares

at bay and the tightness in my chest

regulated, not so much at ease

but at least not aggravated

by missing dawn and dusk.



of it all at times

and Time is winning, the curse

of mortality is that it tires you out.

Tired, bones crushing under the weight

and so little time…


So I find myself making bargains

with the invisible being

tucked away in my soul; not a God,

my own failing body, my resolve,

I hold it close and say come on now,

I have treated you to half the world

and I still want more for these eyes

to see, you can keep all your wealth,

I never did care for that,

but I beg upon dusty knees,

let me see these days, allow me

to fall in love with love over

and over again, allow me to

squeeze the very last drops out

and relish them…

for I am tired…

I am tired of it all.


Ian D. Hall 2016