Which One Of You.

These thoughts are constant

and there is no release

as there is permanently a state

of war going on being the two

emotional conditions

in my head; both trying so hard

to be on the side of good,

upright, pleasant and respectable,

both always losing.


No Hyde though appears,

I leave that for others

to search for, their tattle

giving them their own hope;

I am too weighed down

by wanting to be free

to care anymore.


Duality means taking two breaths

at the same time, allowing both

to live and contribute, for I have no idea

in the end

which one of you it all comes from,

which one of you feels,

which one of you is responsible,

which one of you curls up,

coward like and detests confrontation,

which one of you I like more;

all I know is

I am stuck in the middle

being pulled apart.


Ian D. Hall 2016