Murder, Smears And State Sponsered Abuse.

It’s only murder after all.

You deny it of course,

you will reject the charges brought

and laid down at your defeated door

and hide behind the badge

of office and rank, you will draw

a smokescreen veil to further assist

the cover-up as the whispers

become louder and more vociferous,

that demand your head,

stopping short of a silver platter, why waste

the family

heirlooms as you wasted

the families, destroyed lives

and smeared a city

and all because you were able to.


It’s only murder after all,

it is the greatest attempt at city

wide assassination that finally

came crashing down upon your ears

as they lay close to the ground,

hearing the murmur of discontent

at your actions, outrage at your conduct;

is it any surprise that faith is lost,

not in the community, but on those

who are prized with the job

of making streets, people safe from harm.


It’s only murder after all,

state sponsored terrorism and deflected abuse,

lies, damned lies

and your apology now means nothing;

let justice be done and let it rain down

upon your head.


Ian D. Hall 2016