Put On A Proper Suit.

Put on a proper suit,

do up your tie,

sing the National Anthem,

cut your hair, it’s a disgrace

stop biting your nails,

you go to Drama School?,

your only option lad

is to join the army,

make a man out of you,

pacifist, you’ll grow out of that lad

in the real world,

where’s your uniform,

where’s your tie,

you will have to wear one every day lad,

in the real world,

listen to proper music,

stop reading that type of book,

don’t date her, don’t date her,

Up and in uniform,

Up and in suit,

why haven’t you shaved today,

you’re not growing a beard,

you’re not growing your hair,

I don’t care if you are off today

put on a tie, my dad always did,

stop being a lad

grow up, you should see the world

in black and white,

have this opinion,

think this,

think that

you’re not sick,

you don’t know what sick is…


Never seen the point in the school uniform,

I would rather wear rope than a tie

clothes are just to cover up

the nakedness and to stop women laughing

at the ridiculousness of being male,

the gun like the overpowerful car,

just an extension

of an ego,

I shall sing no Anthem,

save for the stadium Rock one,

and if I don’t want to cut my hair;

no Prime Minister on Earth

can force me to.


Ian D. Hall 2016