Saltwater Injection, Regurgitated For The People. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

When the soul feels an Earthquake of sound, when it experiences the rolling thunder and the spark of flammable electricity surge through the body to the point where the fingers don’t just tingle, they fry with instant longing and the crackle of voltage set to stun, then the soul knows that the dust will fall, the lethargy will be shaken off and the sincere gratitude for feeling alive will be marked down in the diary as a moment of re-birth. Listening to Saltwater Injection that crackle is intensified and as their new E.P., Regurgitated For The People, shows with raw honesty, electricity and power go hand in hand.

Like love, an Earthquake is temporary, but its effects can be found going on for years after the first surge of authorative might, the radioactive insistence that a set of nuclear like lyrics can impose on even the outer reaches of the brain, you may as well start pouring the entire output from the Chinese steel industry into a foundry and let the noise begin, whatever crescendo it reaches, it won’t be a patch on what the listener feels as Saltwater Injection turn up the heat.

The E.P. begins metaphorically with the feedback of a thousand timely screams, of the rampant nature of humanity begging for the muscle of music to take hold and from there it never relents, it never forgives and ultimately never lets the listener down; loud, proud and devastatingly brutal; this is music designed to argue with dominance and sway with the affection of a gentle lover tenderly protecting its own in the face of overwhelming conflict.

The tracks, Sexual Adventure, Cuntryfile PtII, Kill A Boss and Master Bear Baiting, are colourful, brutally commanding and play with senses that were either forgotten about or discarded in the pursuit of so called lofty goals. The heavy weight sound is the low flying black angry cloud on the horizon but with every cloud must come a silver lining and it is pitch forked ready to strike, ready to humble and ready to impress.

Regurgitated For The People is the scream of dominion and its effects are unashamedly strong and commanding; Saltwater Injection are a shot of sanity in an insane world.

Ian D. Hall