Seven Deadly Sins: No Pride (But What I See In You).

I have no Pride, not in appearance.


For why take pride in being anything other

than clean and tidy-ish,

as long as my hair is clean,

as long as the clothes are ironed

and fit, no slight down

ward curve of the jeans falling

from their natural place,

but I shall wear no tie, I shall

not place a noose around my neck

and squirm and feel the tightness

of the knot as it cuts

deep into my throat.


I shall feel no Pride,

satisfaction, relief

certainly of getting the words

out of my head,

out, out, out;

let them pour into the collector’s

bucket and be still, let them enjoy

fruition and I shall take great

joy in seeing people read them,

but Pride, whether in the clothes

we wear or in our deeds

is a dangerous state

and diminishes the great Pride

we should feel for others gallant efforts,


I shall take no Pride…

However I will revel in your
