The Ragamuffins, Never In A Month Of Sundays. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

It is the infectious opening beat that draws you in, the taste of forbearance and regard for a well placed tune that brings you closer to understanding just what it is about music that keeps you coming back for more, that drives the soul to find new ways of expressing a deep love for reckless and well thought abandon. For many the idea of finding temptation in lyrics and the trade off in musical accomplishment is like winning the lottery, for some it never comes at all and the simplicity of it missed as they complain of life having the catch all phrase of Never In A Month of Sundays.

That infectious beat that brings the listener closer to the speakers or makes them turn up the volume is in much evidence as The Ragamuffins release their new single, Never In A Month of Sundays, for consumption and the seamless thrill of the roar that heart explodes into pieces gratefully with, for in this new single resides the freakishly cool and abundantly groovy testament that suggests with purpose, music is not a background noise, it is to be admired and feel the point of existence with.

For The Ragamuffins, the purveyors of such interesting depths and emotion catching ideas, this is a song in which to celebrate, in which to defy anguish and expose the meaningless charade that lies at the heart of down beat pessimism. Instead the opportunity to grasp hold of something rather extraordinary, something optimistic and with the wealth of talent at the disposal of the band is an absolute must.

As singles go, the world in which they inhabit, at times bears no resemblance to the place in time they exist in, and yet whilst the despair and sadness hangs in the air in the face of Humanity, there is need to hold onto something very beautiful, almost upbeat and serene and in Never In A Month of Sundays, that sincere serenity, the flourish of captivating dream like musical sequence is all but astonishing.

Ian D. Hall