In Worship Of The Gun.

The worship of the gun, the religious zeal

of caressing the weapon and praying

over its deliverance is just as wicked

as holding a Bible or holy text up

and proclaiming that you take a life

because your god told you to.


Yet we do nothing, the death toll keeps rising

year on year on year on year,

like a man addicted to powders

that boost his sagging virility, his prowess

in the bedroom assured with a fully loaded

and cocked ladies pearl handled gun

at the end of his trigger finger,

we feed more into the system

and we weep at each wasted life.


Just how many more can a world tolerate

in the land of the free and easy before

the United Nations of ignorance

and cash driven free rights of arming

the sick and sexually frustrated

wade in and wage war on the gun…

for its not about black desert gold,

the cheap narcotic drug,

the will to see a foreign power disposed,

but the power of a missile,

the smallest projectile

taking a life.


Dedicated to all those who lose their lives to lack of gun control.

Ian D. Hall 2015