Sarah Beatrice, Fire. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

If not for the embrace that Liverpool offers its young and developing talent, it’s doubtful that many of the future musicians and songwriters in the area would get a look in or be able to show just exactly what they can do. For Sarah Beatrice and her first foray into making singles, Fire, is there not to be tamed, beaten or put out as if the quelling of such things are an everyday occurrence; it is more to be celebrated and given breath in the sheer justification of the burgeoning talent that lives in the mind of an admired young performer.

Fire needs to volatile and uncontrollable, it needs to be calmed and influenced and above all it needs purpose. Without a source in which it can thrive, in which it direct the blaze that lives for combustion and passion, fire is nothing but a sparkler writing invisible letters in the air. Yet in the hands of Sarah Beatrice, that Fire is the first stirrings of a blaze that suggests an inferno is not far behind.

For a first single, Fire really captures Ms. Beatrice’s music personality and her devotion to the cause, something which is to be applauded fully and with the deep down hope that she continues to draw the music from the same vein in the months ahead.

The sweet serenade is perhaps an unusual trigger for such a song that relishes such heat and emotion but throughout the song, and also in its acoustic version, that serenade is but a catalyst as the tempo catches the imagination and the furnace in the listener’s heart becomes stoked with the excitement required in which to really see a volcano rumble, smoke and blow.

For Sarah Beatrice this first time song is one that will not only live in her memory but one that will also reside in the cool reminiscence of songs from 2015.

Ian D. Hall