Rain Proof.

It’s far too windy to wear a trilby.

It’s far too cold to go out without a thick woolly.

Too go outside without a heavy coat is considered unseemly,

in weather most foul, and insanity not to be dressed fully.


To wear shoes full of holes and let the rain soak through,

would surely have your friends comment about your soul.

To wear gloves of any material, helpful to keep fingers from turning blue,

is just sensible when having to leave the house for a stroll.


So why, when we put on our clothes that make us warm and safe,

does compassion go out the window for those

whose sleeping bags are not rain proof

and we treat the hungry like 18th Century waifs

as we step over them, not wanting to get wet on tip-toes,

as we complain and wonder why they are not shatter-proof.


Ian D. Hall 2015