Battlefield 4 ‘The Fall’ Patch. Game Review.

The fall patch is finally here as promised by DICE studios. This fall patch will consist of fixes to the game that will improve gameplay and cause less stress for players when immersing themselves into the action.

In this patch there have been a number of fixes been made to the game that many players have asked for, which include: game mode changes to rush, obliteration, capture the flag and carrier assault. This will include all ‘Vanilla maps’ in the game except Dawnbreaker. This will move many military communications or M-COMS for short which are the main objective of the game mode on the map, so it will give teams a chance instead of just one team on one map. Also the map zavod 311’s third M-COM site inside the two factory’s M-COM b will be moved so that it does not trigger the levolution feature on the map till someone sets the timer themselves.

Weapon sites have been put into change due to the site’s recoil not matching what should be expected of the weapon when hip firing and will also improve viability for red glowing reticule pieces against bright backgrounds.

Player simulated action has also been improved to match the movement of the BF3 animation but still with BF4 animation sets. Along with this they have changed third person hit reactions for player head’s; this was when a player was shot they seemed that they flinched, this will reduced as this confused many players where to strike next when essentially the opponents heads was where it was in the first place this will give the hit markers that you believe that you earned.

There is now setting for HUD clearance which will de-clutter the screen of useful items that you want on your chosen viewing monitor and remove or dim the things that you don’t want.

The revive mechanic has been greatly improved upon with massive new enhancements, the revive symbol has a ring timer which will show how long the medic has till the down player really is dead.  Also the defibrillator will have a fully charged sound to tell the medic that he/she has a full number of revives.

The weapons have also been given a shakedown to give the game a better feel, the weapons damage per bullet will be downgraded by one so any weapon with a maximum 25 damage will be reduced to 24, meaning that those weapons will be needing a fifth shot to get the kill. Grenades have been given a changeup, as grenade spam has happened on many close quarters maps such as operation metro and locker, dice have made it so the grenade count has been lowered by one on some grenades which include the V40 mini and the RGO impact, and the time for resupplying even one grenade has been added to also reduce grenade spam, this means that the player has to be sure that they need to throw one. The trigger delay on the revolvers has been removed which included the M142 REX, the .44 magnum, the SW40 and the Unica 66.

It looks like DICE has taken everything into thought. However it has still taken them nearly year to do this, and should have been done in the first place. However, overall dice have at least finally fixed the mess that they arguably made from the start.

Connor D. Hall