The Battle Of The Garden Path.

You stare at my garden and state the sodding obvious that it is full of weeds

Uncontrolled, uninhabited plants that clamber through and undermine the foundation.

I tried cutting them back for you but I instead threw more enthusiastic seeds

In amongst the cobwebs that covers damaged stone and masonry complication.

These webs are personal; they cover the cracks in the paving stone path that leads

From my door to yours, and whilst you keep your side so

Faultless and dazzling, trimmed, ordered and full of flowering beads,

I prefer the way I see mine, untidy, unkempt but with hopes kept aglow

That the one flower I water will blossom and wilfully take root

And simply compare well against your Japanese Cherry Blossom, on show, your show

So full of vanity in your lawn which to me looks like knotweed

Scaring, subverting and pulsating with a black diseased shoot

That will choke, fill and congest my house, my foundation, but also further afield grow

And undermine others like me, cheerfully smiling watching their own ideal and single seed.

Ian D. Hall 2013.