The Reasoning, Gig Review. Robin 2, Bilston.

Originally published by The Birmingham Mail. April 2009.

Fresh from their convention slot supporting Marillion in Holland, The Reasoning reinforced their position as one of the country’s top progressive rock bands with a performance that bowled over an enthusiastic crowd.

Opening the set with the title track from their 2007 debut album Awakening, followed by Fallen Angels.  The band showed why their musical ability and sharp lyrics have made them favourites on the progressive rock gig circuit.

With singer Rachel Cohen in fine form and in teasing mood, The Reasoning then played the beautiful Chasing Rainbows before carrying on with the fabulous Aching Hunger and the lyrically excellent Breaking the Fourth Wall.

The group finished in style with the dark How Far To Fall, the biting Call Me God and the enchanting A Musing Dream.

If The Reasoning keep up this standard they will soon be talked about in wider circles.


Ian D. Hall