Dr Who’s Elisabeth Sladen Dies Aged 63.

Picture from bbc.co.uk

On April 19th 2011, Dr Who fans worldwide had sadly once more a reason to mourn one of their own as the woman behind the popular character of Sarah Jane Smith, Elisabeth Sladen died aged 63. Liverpool born Elisabeth started her career as an actor at the Liverpool Playhouse but from those humble beginnings sprang forth one of the most iconic and popular characters in the history of Doctor Who. She also appeared in some of the best loved television programmes of the time, from Z Cars, Some Mother’s Do Have ‘Em and even forgoing her nice girl image in an episode of Doomwatch as a terrorist.

It is though her appearance as the young reporter Sarah Jane that viewers both young and old will remember her for. In the 1970’s she replaced the outgoing Katy Manning as the Doctor’s assistant. Katy and Elisabeth would finally meet in Sarah Jane Adventures story with the current doctor Matt Smith. Working alongside an Earthbound Doctor in the form of Jon Pertwee and then later Tom Baker, Sarah became many a young girls’ first glimpse into the role of a positive companion, not just one seem terrified and ask the big question but one with her own mind and experiences, an inquisitive mind that was far removed from some science fiction programmes of the day.

Elisabeth Sladen was so popular in her role that she was the only one, other than the much missed Nicholas Courtney, who appeared alongside more than three doctors. Her tally included David Tennant in the episode School Reunion and Matt Smith. So successful was her portrayal she was the first member of the company to get her own spin off series (not including the much maligned K9 special in 1981) in the highly prized B.B.C .production The Sarah Jane Adventures.

One of the true, genuine favourites of Doctor Who, Elisabeth is survived by her husband Brian Miller and one daughter Sadie.

– Ian D. Hall