Tag Archives: The Analogues

The Analogues, Gig Review. Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

Imagine being at Candlestick Park, the home of the San Francisco Giants, in late August 1966, or around two and half years later, on January 30th 1969, at ground level in Central London, looking up to the heavens and hearing the now unfamiliar live sound of four men from Liverpool. Imagine understanding that both these two events were so significant in the annals of music history, not only for the band, but for the wider implication of what went on between the two dates and what would follow; it would almost certainly be the stuff of legends, a screaming mob of fans who paid between four and six Dollars to attend the final throws of infant pop, and the almost quiet drawing on a London street of the curtain on the first part of legendary status confirmed for ever.