Tag Archives: Kirsty Besterman

Doctor Who: Doom Coalition 2. Big Finish Audio Drama Boxset Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Paul McGann, Alex Kingston, Nicola Walker, Hattie Moran, John Banks, Robert Bathurst, Kirsty Besterman, Mark Bonnar, Hamish Clark, Paul Marc Davis, Andrew Dickens, Cory English, Derek Ezenagu, Vincent Franklin.

Time to regroup and allow the mind peace after what amounts to a battle of survival is one that is denied to the vast majority of the world, for we inhabit a world run by mad men who insist that constantly been overrun is good for the heart, that we must be kept busy otherwise we are run the risk of being labelled and judged as feckless, insolent, or even cowardly.

Doctor Who, The Shadow Heart. Audio Drama Review. Big Finish 167.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * *

Cast: Sylvester McCoy, James Wilby, Kirsty Besterman, Chase Masterton, Eve Karpf, Alex Mallinson, John Banks, Jaimi Barbakoff.

God, I live a complicated life.” muses the seventh Doctor as the effect of time travel and his position within a story that has criss-crossed a hundred years and three of the classic doctors comes under the scrutiny of a 100 year vengance . The Shadow Heart sees the culmination of a story that started in The Burning Prince with Peter Davison, continued with the superb The Acheron Pulse with Colin Baker and now sees the weirdest but ultimately intriguing part with Sylvester McCoy.

Doctor Who, The Acheron Pulse. Audio Drama Review. Big Finish 166.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Colin Baker, James Wilby, Kirsty Besterman, Joseph Kloska, Jane Slavin, Chris Porter, John Banks, Chook Sibtain, Carol Noakes.

The Acheron Pulse is the second of the latest three part mini-series from Big Finish and it seems that the Doctor is fashionably late but as ever when there is trouble to be found he is there when you most need him most and even though he just doesn’t exactly get there with no severe consequences having had taken place.

Doctor Who, The Burning Prince. Audio Drama Review. Big Finish 165

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating ****

Cast: Peter Davison, Caroline Langrishe, Clive Mantle, George Rainsford, Dominic Rowan, Derek Hutchinson, Caroline Keiff, Tim Treloar, Kirsty Besterman.

It is unusual to find the fifth Doctor’s incarnation adrift in time and space without any of his much loved companions keeping a watchful eye on him, to bounce their anxieties off him or even just to make sure he stays on the right side of compassion. This latest story from Big Finish, The Burning Prince, sees the fifth Doctor, played by Peter Davison, do exactly that and it is a surprisingly frightening prospect.