Tag Archives: Ian Smith

The Silence Between Us, Theatre Review. Unity Theatre, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Aaron Bladen, Elissa Cooper, Mica Young, Daniel Henry, Kieron Mason, Ian Smith, Laura Mutch, Catherine Kenny.

Musicians: Pete King, Daniel Greenwood, Luke Moore, Beth Pollard.

Depending on your age, you might remember the glares, even visual examinations, some men received when they came back from the fields, deserts and jungles of World War Two, perhaps even closer to home in time, the Falklands’ War, the sacrifices made on both sides of the divide in Ireland, any conflict where the senseless of killing another human being for being in a different coloured uniform is brought home in the eyes of the affected and the screams that burn into the hearts of their loved ones; these are the memories of the sneer, the accusations of somehow being less of man just because you don’t want to die.

Footsteps In The Shadows, Theatre Review. The City of Liverpool College, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Will Smith, Harleyia Heffey, Adam Leyland, Chloe Ogburn, Phil Rayner, Murren McFarlane, Bryony Doyle, John Stephenson, Shannon Haugh, Dorcas Sebuyange, Ian Smith, Mikey Gordon, Jamie Forbes, Kate Bricknal, James Bibby.

There are just some people in the world to whom evil is not a strong enough word to describe them; that their very actions on this Earth are to be considered so vile, so despicable that it is impossible to show any remorse for them. To take them on as a character within a film or a play is almost to feel as if you are opening up a crack in life that should be left alone; however that then would detract from the story that must be told as a warning so others are prepared for the Footsteps In The Shadows.