Tag Archives: Adam Leyland

Bob The Russian, Theatre Review. Unity Theatre, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

Cast: Adam Leyland, Laura Connelly, Adam Nicholls, Liam-Powell-Berry, Callum Forbes, Daniel Hubbard, Thomas Galashan, Warren Kettle, Faye Caddick, Megan Bond, Thomas Heyes, Sam Brown, Mike Manning, George Wills, Aaron Cork, Jacob Simpson.

Genius is not a word to bandy round like a bag of sweets that has been pinched from the local shop and sucked to death by a gang of young tearaways determined to have something on their resume to take onto adult hood, the moment of defiance was born, when being the daring mastermind behind such a great plan was the moment the intellect was sealed.

Footsteps In The Shadows, Theatre Review. The City of Liverpool College, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Will Smith, Harleyia Heffey, Adam Leyland, Chloe Ogburn, Phil Rayner, Murren McFarlane, Bryony Doyle, John Stephenson, Shannon Haugh, Dorcas Sebuyange, Ian Smith, Mikey Gordon, Jamie Forbes, Kate Bricknal, James Bibby.

There are just some people in the world to whom evil is not a strong enough word to describe them; that their very actions on this Earth are to be considered so vile, so despicable that it is impossible to show any remorse for them. To take them on as a character within a film or a play is almost to feel as if you are opening up a crack in life that should be left alone; however that then would detract from the story that must be told as a warning so others are prepared for the Footsteps In The Shadows.

U Decide: Keeping It P.C. (Politically Confused), Theatre Review. Unity Theatre, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 7.5/10

Cast: Aimee Marnell, Chloe Nezianya, Jahney Dalrymple.

Politics is a confusing game at the best of times; it is almost as if the bigger the set of policies being delivered out, the more sound bites there are in which to wheel across the political spectrum, the more, in truth, they all start to sound the same. It is a policy that could be seen as if the so called political elite or the somehow opinionated savvy are all delivering the same message to the politically confused.