Tag Archives: Tim McInnerny

The Boy In The Dress, Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast Billy Kennedy, Temi Orelaja, Jennifer Saunders, James Buckley, Tim McInnerny, Felicity Montagu, Steve Speirs, Meera Syal, David Walliams, Aaron Chawla, Rosheen Hinze, Oliver Barry-Brook, Emma Cooke, Harish Patel, Sonny Ashbourne Serkis, Kate Moss, Gary Lineker, Alex Thomas.

The Boy in the Dress is one of those heart-touching moments of British television that no doubt will split the vast majority of Christmas viewers. It will inevitably also have those that purposefully avoided it have mini rages into their early morning cups of tea and spitting in annoyance at the thought of such a diverse subject being given air time.

Castles In The Sky. Television Review. B.B.C.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Eddie Izzard, Karl Davies, Laura Frazer, David Hayman, Alex Jennings, Julian Rhind Tutt, Tim McInnerny, Iain McKee, Joe Bone, Stephen Chance, Nick Elliott, Lesley Harcourt, Carl Heap, Celyn Jones, Arron Tulloch.

It is perhaps appropriate that on the week the country remembers the 75th anniversary of Britain’s entry into the Second World War that the B.B.C. should show the story of how Britain was saved in the early days of The Battle of Britain by no small measure of ingenuity, sacrifice and imagination from the fathers of RADAR, Robert Watson Watt and Skip Wilkins.

Utopia: Season Two, Pressing Matters. Television Review. Channel 4.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Tom Burke, Rose Leslie, Anca-Ioana Androne, Tim McInnerny, Trystan Gravelle, Clive Wood, Pamela Ashton, William Belchambers, Ed Birch, Vicenzo Ferrara, Aine Garvey, Lorna Gayle, Yare Michael Jegbefume, Solomon Mousley, Harley Rooney, Mason Rooney, James Stratton, Kevin Trainor, Velile Tshabalala.

In your life time, depending on how old you are, the population of the Earth has almost tripled. Seven billion people fighting for a scraps of land, for food, water, over religion, over the right to survive and the right to have a family, Seven billion souls, who thanks to the advancement in healthcare, the quick eradication of infectious diseases and peace keeping forces, seemingly take up more resources than the world can actually supply. Such is the dystopian plot that makes up one of Channel 4’s finest programmes in over a decade, Utopia.