Tag Archives: Peter Capaldi

Doctor Who: Robot Of Sherwood. Television Review. B.B.C.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Peter Capaldi, Jenna Colman, Tom Riley, Ben Miller, Roger Ashton, Ian Hallard, Rusty Goffe, Joseph Kennedy, Adam Jones, Sabrina Bartlett, David Benson, David Langham, Tim Baggaley, Richard Elfyn.

We are but stories in the completion of history’s guide book, some will have volumes written about them, some if they are lucky a rip-roaring novel, most a paragraph, for many just a sentence, however as long as we avoid being a footnote in the end then we should be satisfied.

Doctor Who: Into The Dalek. Television Review, B.B.C.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman, Nicholas Briggs, Zawe Ashton, Michael Smiley, Samuel Anderson, Laura Dos Santos, Ben Crompton, Bradley Ford, Michelle Morris, Nigel Betts, Ellis George, Barnaby Edwards.

For anyone who ever wondered what it would be like to be placed within the very heart of the most dangerous creature in existence, then the latest episode of Doctor Who, Into The Dalek almost provided the answer to that fantastic question. Until they find a way to see into the very soul of the Time Lord, seeing inside a Dalek who has discovered the point of existence beyond the blasted horizon by the Denisons of destruction encased in Dalekanium ranks almost as high.

Doctor Who: Deep Breath. Television Review, B.B.C.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman, Neve McIntosh, Dan Starkey, Catrin Stewart, Peter Ferdinando, Paul Hickey, Tony Way, Maggie Service, Mark Kempner, Brian Miller, Graham Duff, Ellis George, Peter Hannah, Paul Kasey.

The Doctor is in, he just might not see you just yet.

The thirteenth man to take on the titular role of the long lasting and very popular series of Doctor Who might take some getting used to for some. After nearly a decade of having arguably a more youthful outlook but for many, surely the more than capable, erudite and wonderfully strange Peter Capaldi is a return to what bought success for the programme in its 1970s heyday.

The Musketeers: Musketeers Don’t Die Easily. Television Review. B.B.C.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Tom Burke, Santiago Cabrera, Peter Capaldi, Howard Charles, Maimie McCoy, Luke Pasqualino, Sean Pertwee, Alexandra Dowling, Ryan Gage, Tamla Kari, Hugo Speer, Roger Ringrose, Charlotte Hope, Holly Earl, Bo Poraj, Virginia Fiol, Matt Slack.

The Musketeers has become one of those programmes in which to simply ignore it is just not good manners! The squeal of adventure thunders in on every episode and in this final chapter of the series, Musketeers Don’t Die Easily, many traps are laid, various deceptions are deployed by the writer and even if for one brief moment the pace of the action was going to be enhanced by the sound of someone whistling Ennio Morricone’s epic score to The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, the story was one that saw the whole creation of this adaptation be seen for what it is, just terrific!

The Musketeers: Knight Takes Queen, Television Review. B.B.C. Television.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 71/2/10

Cast:  Tom Burke, Santiago Cabrera, Peter Capaldi, Luke Pasqualino, Howard Charles, Ryan Gage, Maimie McCoy, Hugo Speer, Alexandra Dowling, Charlotte Hope, Roger Ringrose, Sarah Belcher, Alice Patten, Gabrielle Reidy, Peter-Hugo Daly, Robert Krejcik, Miroslav Navrati, Leigh Jones, Filip Nespor.

The question may well have been asked, “Who will rid me of this troublesome barren queen?”  The penultimate episode of the B.B.C. Series, The Musketeers, sees the four heroic French swordsmen protect Queen Anne from the drunken amorous ravings of her husband who states that she must be murdered so that he is free to marry another woman.

The Musketeers: The Challenge. Television Review. B.B.C. Television.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8/10

Cast: Tom Burke, Santiago Cabrera, Luke Pasqualini, Peter Capaldi, Zoe Tapper, Howard Charles, Ryan Gage, Tamla Kari, Maimie McCoy, Hugo Speer, Vinnie Jones, John Lightbody, Perry Fitzpatrick, Bo Poraj, Christos Tolera, Richard Symes, Simon Meacock, Giles Taylor.

Just how does the best swordsman not in active service in France become a member of the elite guards known as The Musketeers? Help from friends, patronage from a great lady, luck, skill, taking on Vinnie Jones in a sword fight that on paper would surely have had footballers of a previous generation checking more than their equipment at the sight of one of the hard men of the game brandishing a weapon.

The Musketeers, A Rebellious Woman. Television Review. B.B.C. Television.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Tom Burke, Peter Capaldi, Santiago Cabrera, Howard Charles, Luke Pasqualino, Annabelle Wallis, Alexandra Dowling, Ryan Gage, Tamla Kari, Maimie McCoy, John Lynch, Hugo Speer, Alice Sanders, Hannah Sharp, Richard Hawley, Christian Jenner, Brian Pettifer.

A Rebellious Woman or a woman who understood the complexity of wanting equality in an age of misogyny and pathetic fear in wondering what education would do to a female mind. Not an episode set in the current era, nor back in the dark days of 1970s Britain in which sexism was incredibly rife but in the days of France in which the rule of law was not in the lap of the King as is supposed but in that of the Cardinal and of the Church.

The Musketeers, The Exiles. Television Review. B.B.C. Television.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Tom Burke, Santiago Cabrera, Peter Capaldi, Howard Charles, Luke Pasqualino, Amy Nuttall, Tara Fitzgerald, Ryan Gage, Alexandra Dowling, Hugo Speer, Tamla Kari, Ben Adams, David Burke, Michael Kucera, Simon Merrells, Phil Snowden, Curtis Matthew, Madelyn Marcella.

When your biggest enemy is your mother you really have problems. When she is plotting to bring about your downfall and replace you with someone younger, more pliable and easily moulded to her will, then your problems become seemingly insurmountable and terrifying.

The Musketeers: The Homecoming. Television Review. B.B.C.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Luke Pasqualino, Santiago Cabrera, Tom Burke, Howard Charles, Ashley Walters, Anton Lesser,     Peter Capaldi, Ryan Gage, Hugo Speer, Matt Slack, Michael Cochrane, Helen Cotterill, Fiona Glascott, Brian Pettifer, Vaclav Chalupa, Christophe Gilland, Michael Jenn.

Where do the good come from? Those that change the lives of all for the better! This is the question lurking at the back of the latest episode of B.B.C.’s smash Sunday night 16th century historical romp The Musketeers.

The Musketeers, The Good Soldier. Television Review. B.B.C. Television.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Santiago Cabrera, Luke Pasqualino, Tom Burke, Howard Charles, Peter Capaldi, J.J. Field, Tamla Kari, Alexandra Dowling, Ryan Gage, Hugo Speer, Anna Skellern, Adrian Schiller, Simon Paisley Day, Phoebe Fox, Peter- Hugo Daly, Jim High.

Sunday nights have not been the same since The Musketeers came swashbuckling into the living rooms of audiences up and down the country. The French tale of swords, honour and friendship has perhaps never been more popular and rightly so.