Tag Archives: John Banks

Doctor Who,The Oseidon Adventure, Big Finish Audio Play 1.06.

Originally published by L.S. Media. July 8th 2012.

L.S. Media Rating ****

Cast: Tom Baker, Louise Jameson, Geoffrey Beevers, Michael Cochrane, Dan Starkey, John Banks.

Just who do you trust when you cannot even tell your enemies from those that look and act like your deadliest foes!

The second part of Alan Barnes’ story involving the Doctor’s adversary and fellow Time lord, The Master has one of those wonderful plays on words that ingratiates you into the story long before the end credits. Titled The Oseidon Adventure, (think of the 1970’s disaster film The Poseidon Adventure) the action follows on The Trail of the White Worm and the pace, the tempo and overall enjoyment of the writing picks up a notch from the semi lacklustre affair of the previous episode.

Doctor Who, The Butcher Of Brisbane. Big Finish Audio Play 161.

Originally published on L.S. Media. July 9th 2012.

L.S. Media Rating ****

Cast: Peter Davison, Janet Fielding, Mark Strickson, Sarah Sutton, Angus Wright, Rupert Frazer, Felicity Duncan, Daniel Weyman, Daisy Ashford, John Banks, Alex Mallinson.

There are Doctor Who villains who pop up as regular as clockwork, their participation in any adventure much looked forward to and anticipated with the outlook of childhood glee. There are then those who come along every so often, sometimes they contribute greatly to the overall story but you don’t miss them as much, and then there are those that only appear the once, their backstory hinted at but the writers of Doctor Who never revisit them. The listener is devoid of any further knowledge of the foe the Doctor has faced.