Tag Archives: Charlotte Rampling

Broadchurch. Series Two, Episode Two. Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: David Tennant, Olivia Coleman, Jodie Whittaker, Andrew Buchan, Charlotte Beaumont, Matthew Gravelle, Tanya Franks, Meera Syal, Carolyn Pickles, Jonathan Bailey, Joe Sims, Arthur Darvill, Simone McAullay, Charlotte Rampling, Eve Myles, William Andrews, Paul Blackwell, James D’Arcy, Peter De Jersey, Janet Dibley, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Simone McAullay, .

Who’s to blame when an alleged killer is liable to walk free when overwrought and built up emotions are fully bared out for public consumption? The sensible, rational and unimpaired face of judgement we sometimes are forced to wear by society’s expectation comes crashing down and in a single action, an unhindered show of emotions, a case against a killer throws everything into question.

Broadchurch, Series Two, Episode One. Television Review.


Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: David Tennant, Olivia Coleman, Jodie Whittaker, Andrew Buchan, Charlotte Beaumont, Tanya Franks, Carolyn Pickles, Jonathan Bailey, Joe Sims, Arthur Darvill, Simone McAullay, Charlotte Rampling, Eve Myles.

You can always rely on Chris Chibnall to throw a rather large spanner into the works. Not content with bringing one of the best detectives and certainly one of the most unique series to British television in 2013, he now invites all to revisit Broadchurch for a second time, and by doing so, throws everything that the viewer thought they knew completely and utterly into a frenzied doubt.

Restless (Part Two), Television Review. B.B.C. Television.

Michelle Dockery as Ruth Gilmartin. Picture courtesy of B.B.C.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Hayley Atwell, Rufus Sewell, Michelle Dockery, Charlotte Rampling, Michael Gambon, Thekla Reuten, Adrian Scarborough, Bertie Carvel, Anthony Calf.

The second segment of William Boyd’s fantastic spy tale, Restless, continued the excellent and riveting start that would have had viewers gripped in part one. With the net beginning to close in Eva Delectorskaya and her daughter Ruth, the pair began to set up Eva’s old boss and lover in a great case of double bluff.

Restless (Part One), B.B.C. Television. Television Review.

Hayley Atwell as Eva Delectorskaya. Picture from the B.B.C.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Hayley Atwell, Rufus Sewell, Michelle Dockery, Charlotte Rampling, Michael Gambon, Thekla Reuten, Adrian Scarborough, Bertie Carvel, Anthony Calf.

In recent years there have been some excellent modern stories which add more light onto the roles of women during World War Two, especially in the world of espionage, one of the greats is Paul Verhoeven’s Dutch masterpiece, Black Book. The B.B.C. has now aired its equivalent in the outstanding first part of Restless starring Hayley Atwell, Michelle Dockery and Charlotte Rampling.