Tag Archives: Adrian Scarborough

Restless (Part Two), Television Review. B.B.C. Television.

Michelle Dockery as Ruth Gilmartin. Picture courtesy of B.B.C.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Hayley Atwell, Rufus Sewell, Michelle Dockery, Charlotte Rampling, Michael Gambon, Thekla Reuten, Adrian Scarborough, Bertie Carvel, Anthony Calf.

The second segment of William Boyd’s fantastic spy tale, Restless, continued the excellent and riveting start that would have had viewers gripped in part one. With the net beginning to close in Eva Delectorskaya and her daughter Ruth, the pair began to set up Eva’s old boss and lover in a great case of double bluff.

Restless (Part One), B.B.C. Television. Television Review.

Hayley Atwell as Eva Delectorskaya. Picture from the B.B.C.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Hayley Atwell, Rufus Sewell, Michelle Dockery, Charlotte Rampling, Michael Gambon, Thekla Reuten, Adrian Scarborough, Bertie Carvel, Anthony Calf.

In recent years there have been some excellent modern stories which add more light onto the roles of women during World War Two, especially in the world of espionage, one of the greats is Paul Verhoeven’s Dutch masterpiece, Black Book. The B.B.C. has now aired its equivalent in the outstanding first part of Restless starring Hayley Atwell, Michelle Dockery and Charlotte Rampling.

Doctor Who, A Town Called Mercy. Television Review.

Pcture from RadioTimes.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating *****

Cast: Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, Ben Browder, Adrian Scarborough, Dominic Kemp, Rob Cavazos, Joanne McQuinn, Andrew Brooks, Garrick Hogan, Byrd Wilkins, Sean Benedict.

Time is running short for Amy Pond/Williams and her husband Rory, there is a reckoning coming and it seems that time for the Doctor is fraught with perceived future knowledge of Amy’s demise and this knowledge is changing the Doctor in ways not really seen in on television.