Author Archives: admin

Helen Maw: Growing Pains. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Those Growing Pains we suffer, the aches of maturity, the sentiments of personal grief and niggles, are for the most point angst turned inwards, it is our soul learning to deal with ageing and the world around us viewing our presence in a different way.

Canned Heat: Finyl Vinyl. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

In the end is it all that we really ask for when we feel Time’s arrow hurtling towards us, just One Last Boogie, a swan song for those who spent their own time listening to us, a final dance to the cool wind and sound of the majestic parade revealed as our favourite tunes. We pack so much into life that it is perhaps no wonder when we think of the right time to leave the stage, we place greater emphasis on the title we wish to give our lasting bow to.

Adrian Sutherland: Precious Diamonds. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Adrian Sutherland might not be a name you are familiar with, but it is one to now make acquaintance with, and to metaphorically look him in the eye and shake his hand warmly as he regales your soul with tales of song that encourage a way of looking at the world that has become almost alien to many us who live and devour the planet rather than being a part of it.

Paula Rae Gibson and Matthew Bourne: Loving In Real Time. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

We seek a connection, a touch from another human being, and sometimes that wish is granted with a favourable result, the sense of being safe, close, unafraid because the world is forgotten in a blink of tenderness; in the hands of caring, we hope we emerge intact as we find Loving In Real Time is the bond that heals all wounds.

Love though must also haunt.

Ross Couper Band: The Homeroad. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Those who inhabit islands must look out to sea and dream of escape, the insular only being a comfort for so long, the need to be close or influence another soul from a distant land one that screams to be heard… “No man is an island”, John Donne wrote wisely with implored sentiment, but surely no man can resist keeping to the island whilst they hone their craft and their tale for the world to hear in person.

Kacey Musgraves: Deeper Well. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

The trailer has moved on, the park it was resting upon has been left behind, and now that same trailer occupies a substantial plot in the playground of the comfortably polished and sincerely cool.

For the fan and admirer of Kacey Musgraves, Deeper Well marks a point of delivery to which the listener cannot but help but be impressed and fulsome in their honest appraisal of the country star’s continuing dominance in the genre and beyond.

Pando Pando. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

What starts with a growl can end in roar that is felt across the savannah, the reverberation of a king’s voice as it alerts to all that its presence is enough to keep all in its vicinity in line and mindful of how they approach the entity that boomed.

As in nature so to the realm of humanity, and in art it is often the sound of the original that is felt loudest in the gut when coming across the source of the emotions stirred, and even in the realm of the electronic interpretation, the so called voiceless, that roar can leave you shuddering with expectation and desire for more.

Elbow: Audio Vertigo. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Art is conflict. Every medium that falls underneath its wide umbrella must acknowledge a truth within itself that even if it sets out to calm the nerves of the afflicted, to offer it shelter and hope, then it must be at its heart in opposition to that which vexes it.

Geoff Carne & The Raw Rox Band: The River Of Dreams E.P. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Dreams are important, they are our subconscious talking to us on levels that we only fathom when we embrace the complex reasons for our actions and those we wish to undertake. Dreams flow in directions that our sentient waking mind often represses, pushes away with agony of spirit that we which we truly wish to embrace, investigate, release, and like a river escape from the confines of the land on either side of us and return to the sea and the adventure that awaits in the unknown.

Coma. Television Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

Cast: Jason Watkins, Jonas Armstrong, Claire Skinner, David Bradley, David Mumeni, Joe Barber, Matilda Firth, Darren Strange, Kayla Meikle, Adrienn Réti, Craige Els, Caroline Boulton, Dan Code, Anita Major, Ralph Berkin, Sagar Arya, Kwadwo Kwateng, Shila Bentley.

For the majority of us, avoiding conflict is a day to day occupation, we have turned our eyes away from the bullying and intimidation on our streets, and the wonder why cannot face the moral questions of the massacre of a people a few thousand miles away; one action is a direct response to the suffering on any scale…we don’t wish to get involved lest the eyes of evil in all its forms fall upon us and we become the next target.