Tag Archives: Wyvern Lingo

Wyvern Lingo, Letters To Willow. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

There is thankfully always a storm of bright young things making their way across the Irish Sea and enthusing music lovers with their passion for a well constructed song and interesting poetic lyrical, the U.K. is so much richer for their enthusiastic zeal and delightful ardour. The ability to be nothing less than creative and understand that vision is more than just giving someone a good time for an hour but it is in itself a form of education and original learning is the life blood of all who roam the tempered sea and post their findings homeward, whether in e-mails or as the case maybe in Letters To Willow .

Wyvern Lingo, Gig Review. Empire Theatre, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

The warmth of the night inside The Empire Theatre was due mostly by the voices of excited chatter, of local fans hugging themselves in delight at the thought of getting tickets for the first big Rock act of the year to come to Liverpool. It was in that warmth, that glow of spirit to go beyond the enclosures of work and home for probably the first time this year for many, that the heat rose as the flush of thousand hearts made the theatre feel as homely, and as noisy as it did.